Onça campaign comes to an end

Last Wednesday, our Indiegogo campaign came to an end. Thank you—truly—to everyone who contributed. It makes me so happy to have you guys for supporters.Unfortunately, we did not reach our campaign goal of $11,000. We raised $4,141, far from our goal and below $7,000, the minimum that would have made the project viable. So what does this mean for Jekyll & Hyde and Onça?I assure you we will not cancel the project. Since this was a flexible funding campaign, we still get to keep all the funds raised, and those $4k will be instrumental in our plans to move forward. However, we will need to rethink our strategy and probably postpone the release date of Jekyll & Hyde. We will make a decision this week and keep you posted.Within the next week we will also take care of fulfilling the Wall of Awesome and Thank-you Card perks, while the other perks will need to wait until the new release date for Jekyll & Hyde.In the mean time, we will also make the book available for pre-orders directly through our website, and we will be seeking other sources of income to support our eventual printing. And we will be starting our "regular activities," like searching for our first new fiction title and posting to our blog.From now on, we will be reserving this space for updates on perks and major project updates. If you want to keep up with us, you can always like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, or follow our blog.Thank you again to everyone who contributed. You guys rock!


Onça Classics: One Year Update


Artist Profile: Marissa Brown